Tuesday, January 27, 2009

SNOW!! What's With the Milk & Bread!

Beautiful snowflakes! These intricate cut paper snowflakes are the only ones I'm finding pretty these days! While looking through more stuff...I found this old Mavrakos Candies, St. Louis Mo box that has a stain but still has charm. I forgot that inside are many wonderful paper snowflakes from the 1940's. They would be great if I framed them. After you enjoy these works of art, scroll down for my true feelings!

I can't imagine having the patience to cut these. But someone did, lucky for me!

Just another shot of them!.

They are fragile, but they don't melt!
NOW, with all of that said, I can hear the sleet hitting the windows, the shop will be closed, I had to postpone an estate sale for a week, but boy oh boy, the snow is pretty! I remember snow days at school ( we lived for them). So....why do I now find them so irritating! I should cherish the beauty, but instead I think of the cost of snow removal, the loss of work time.....and then there's the total loss of understanding----what is with the MILK AND BREAD? You call the folks to see if they need anything from the store----Yes, get some milk and bread. What in the he...heck do they put on the bread and I don't remember them drinking milk. But...you go to the store and the bread rack and milk case are either running low or empty????? It's become a joke in my house---don't be caught without your milk and bread. They go real good together! Happy Snow Days!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Folky, Fun AND Useable!!

Nashville --Ready or not, here we come! We just picked up these few things to add to our stash for the Antiques at Music Valley Show. It's getting to be crunch time and we still have alot to do. Hope to see all of you there.
This folky table is really great! It has a one board top and one board shelf. Great color!

Is this sign terrific or what! I'm not sure where it would have been hanging--maybe in an old tavern? It is heavy sheet metal with 2 bullet holes for hanging. The back side is worn white paint. Size is 12 inches by 20 inches.

I said useable, and these pulleys are really to look at! We have the stands custom made at a fencing company and sell them together so you don't have to bother.

This pedestal would be great for plants or something special. It is 11 inches tall and the diameter of the top is also 11 inches.

This square pedestal is 13 1/2 inches in height and the diamond shaped square top is 8 1/2 inches. Another great plant stand or for whatever you want!

These chairs are a vintage, shabby light pink in color. I think I'll leave them just as they are.

Two sweet barn ladders. One is 69 inches tall, 15 inches wide and 5 rungs. The other is 76 1/2 inches tall, 15 inches wide and has 6 rungs. Primitive, but sturdy.

This counter is one of 12 that we have. It is out of an old drug store from right here in Central Illinois. They are in need of TLC, so Gary is refinishing it. This one is almost 6 feet in length with sliding doors and drawers on each side. Very useable and nice for any room. It is made of oak and pine.

This old washstand is really a cute piece. As you can see from the pictures, one side is missing it's paint. The green is very great, but someone might want it down to walnut.

A front shot of the green washstand.
That's all for now! As always, email me if you have any questions. (countrymeadows3@charter.net). We will be taking these great finds to the Antiques at Music Valley Show in Nashville---along with lots more! We'd better get busy!
Until next time,
Pam--(& Gary)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sidetracked Again--This Time Old Valentines!

I'm supposed to be cleaning and sorting. While I'm doing that, my mind is racing and I'm trying to think of a project for the kids at church tomorrow. They love hands on craft projects. And then it happened---I ran across some old valentines and it got me to thinking about the Valentine Party's we used to have at school, complete with decorated boxes and the big Valentine exchange! Well, that kept me busy for awhile, and even though it's a little early to think about Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share some pictures of the sweet little cards I found.

In a box of old linens, I found 2 dresser scarves with hearts on them. They've seen better days, but overlapped they look cute.

I love the fold-outs and stand-ups. You just can't find them anymore!

This little handmade card says "Herewith I send my heart to you. You'll find it faithful, warm and true." Kinds mushy huh!

Great graphics on this one.

A bright red hankie with crocheted trim tucked in the middle of the pile!

More sweetness.

I gotta put these away and get back to work!

Hope you liked a sneek peek at Valentine's Day!

Until next time,


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Stuff We LOVE!!

It's time to start thinking ahead for upcoming shows and booth displays. As you can see from the photos, we like a real mixture--from country to shabby to folky to just plain fun stuff! These are pictures of our booth at a previous Heart of Country Show at Opryland in Nashville TN. We were the BIG corner booth! Now you can find us at the Music Valley Antique Market. It recently moved to the Tennessee State Fairgrounds and will be coming up in February. I've got a lot to do to get ready for it! As you can see it takes boxes and boxes of stuff to make a booth like this work! Email me with any questions! This time I will remember to put my email address countrymeadows3@charter.net.

Hope you enjoy these!

I love old farm tables.

A corner full of bling! You can't fit a cupboard in your purse, but you can always fit some bling! Everyone likes to take home something!

Colorful children's chairs are very fun!

The holiday corner. The ornaments were in a plexiglass trunk. Really fun because you could see right through it! Perfect for any collection and used like a coffee table. You can't even see the box but it's holding the ornaments. How fun is that!

I couldn't resist putting this silver on the old store counter with a pewter gray colored vintage purse full of black and white photos. Really looked great.

Some ironstone on the farm table. Sold it and the table!

The "Caps" in the upper corner are always a seller for us. My hubby calls them "Caps" because they are "Caps" from the doorways out of old houses. I don't know how many of these he has made. They are unique because the hooks are "OLD" not like the new cheap jobs. They are out of old buildings, schools etc. He gets real excited to find unusual ones. Sometimes the "Caps" are refinished, but if they have great old chippy paint, he leaves them! The great thing about them is that they are very useable.

I love the old gray railing. It made a cute setting with the outdoor chairs and birdbath.

I hope you enjoyed the show!

Until next time,
