When Gary comes home from a farm, you never know what he will have on the truck. He stacks and packs and comes in the house to let me know that he had a great day! Glad it was only 93 degrees cause those barns and coops can get hot! He didn't care. He was in heaven. These are a few of the items he brought home. Some of the other stuff really needs some TLC!!

This cow was on the outside of the barn. At first the farmer wasn't going to let it go, but this trip he had changed his mind. I collect cows and Gary just knew I would want to keep it. I'm not sure yet. You know, that doesn't pay the bills!.

One of the most awesome wooden lawn chairs I have seen. I think we'll save it for Marburger Farm. It looks like it belongs there.

Another chair with old white paint. Actually there were two of these but they would only part with one. Oh well, maybe next time. I think it is going to Marburger Farm too.

This old metal/tin sign is wonderful. It was hanging in one of the barns. I think it will go either to Bishop Hill--up Northern Illinois to a country show, or maybe to Nashville this fall.

As we gather more stuff for our shows and for the shop, I'll keep you posted, but as always, if you are interested in anything, let me know by emailing
Until next time,