If you think painting a room is a big deal, you should try to paint a wall in a shop! This is the long view of just one side of the shop. We have been wanting to paint it forever, finally, I just hired a painter to do it! Nothing fancy, it had dark green and now it is clean white! We had to move everything at least 8 feet from the wall all the way down. What a mess! Then it was all covered so no spatter would get it. Now it is done and the fun can start. Everything on the other side of the shop will be moved here, making room for a great new dealer who needs two spaces. As we move, I'm going to weed out old stuff and replace it with fresh merchandise! Yippee!

This is a temporary set-up. All of this will be moved to the other side of the shop!

Some of this will remain, but a lot of this will change too. We have to start somewhere!

More temporary displays. It's amazing the comments we get from our customers. They really notice changes!

This display is right in the front center of the shop. It will stay for a bit. We had to move it first so we can move the rest!

This last month was no different for me than anyone else--meaning getting my taxes done! But they are done. I just finished an order for my junk necklaces---they are awesome and I'll show them in another post! I have the Mother-Daughter Banquet under control!!! Easter is coming, I have hired a new employee, been on several house calls, getting an estate sale lined up, listed numerous toys on ebay, and even with all of this---I have really been missing the shows we normally do. Marburger Farm, Midwest Antique Show in Cedar Rapids Iowa, and last weekend was Hermann MO. I'm so thankful Gary is back at his job at the refinery for now, but we still miss the shows. The only thing that makes it better for me is that every show so far has had stormy weather for travel....and since I am afraid of storms, I'm glad to be home! Better get for now. More storms tonight for us.
Until next time,