It's time to start thinking ahead for upcoming shows and booth displays. As you can see from the photos, we like a real mixture--from country to shabby to folky to just plain fun stuff! These are pictures of our booth at a previous Heart of Country Show at Opryland in Nashville TN. We were the BIG corner booth! Now you can find us at the Music Valley Antique Market. It recently moved to the Tennessee State Fairgrounds and will be coming up in February. I've got a lot to do to get ready for it! As you can see it takes boxes and boxes of stuff to make a booth like this work! Email me with any questions! This time I will remember to put my email address
Hope you enjoy these!

I love old farm tables.
The holiday corner. The ornaments were in a plexiglass trunk. Really fun because you could see right through it! Perfect for any collection and used like a coffee table. You can't even see the box but it's holding the ornaments. How fun is that!

I couldn't resist putting this silver on the old store counter with a pewter gray colored vintage purse full of black and white photos. Really looked great.

Some ironstone on the farm table. Sold it and the table!

The "Caps" in the upper corner are always a seller for us. My hubby calls them "Caps" because they are "Caps" from the doorways out of old houses. I don't know how many of these he has made. They are unique because the hooks are "OLD" not like the new cheap jobs. They are out of old buildings, schools etc. He gets real excited to find unusual ones. Sometimes the "Caps" are refinished, but if they have great old chippy paint, he leaves them! The great thing about them is that they are very useable.

I love the old gray railing. It made a cute setting with the outdoor chairs and birdbath.

I hope you enjoyed the show!
Until next time,