Well, we're still trying to recover from two shows! I can tell we are getting older--it wipes us out! I posted pictures from the Tailgate Show and now here are pictures from Heart of Country.
What a greeting--beautiful plants and flowers shaped like a heart. Coby Palmer is a wonderful florist from Indianapolis and is the master mind behind all of the floral displays. He has also become a great friend.

We had a few repeats of furniture, like this 9' table and the chest, but we added more and lots more smalls to give the booth a fresh look. Apparently it worked, we sold like crazy!

Another shot of the booth. It's hard to show the booth all at once--is was a 24' corner booth.

This was the side of the booth--we got to take advantage of a bare wall. Most of these buckets, whirligigs and fretwork sold.

We seemed to have alot of green at this show. The 6 foot table in the background didn't sell, but the 2 green benches did. They were made by the nuns at a convent here in the Midwest.

Can you imagine how heavy and itchy these wool swimmers would be in the middle of summer!

One of the corners of smalls. I just bought these table covers. Our tables are 6' and I was tired of rigging up the 8' covers! The color is sandalwood, not sure yet if I really like the color.

I put together a "turkey" section on purpose. The National Wildlife Turkey Federation was holding their national convention at Opryland at the same time--42,000 registrations! These postcards are NOT reproductions. They are mostly postmarked 1908-1914. Sold dozens of them.

This display of ironstone platters, silver and candles were beneath the turkey postcards. Sold almost all of it!

This is the other side of the booth with more smalls. Lots of sewing items sold.

This was the other side of the booth. A windmill section, the big storage piece and a folk-art covered wagon and horses in a case.

I can't finish the show without the mention of the food display at the preview party. It is always beautiful and yummy!
All in all, Nashville was a good trip, except for the snowstorm getting there! We met lots of new people, saw alot of familiar faces and sold lots of stuff! Thanks to everyone.
Until next time,