Well, summer is officially here---the pools are open, it's hot, steamy and stormy. School is out--let the fun begin.Can you imagine the fun of wearing one of these hot, itchy, wool swimsuits? And remember the locker at the swimming pool.

Why was it so cool to have the big metal safety pin with your basket number on it--pinned to your swim suit? And you were really cool--at least at the Roxana Park Swimming Pool if you had a season pass--and it was sewn to your suit. All you had to do when you walked up to the admission booth, was say--SEASON. It was one of those tough TOMBOY things I think. Swim all day, go home, fix supper, help mom with whatever, and go back. As long as we were home by the time the porchlight was on. We lived across the field from the pool, so we could watch for the light. What a simpler time that was. Then go home, go to bed, and do it all over again. Got a tan like a brown butter bean. Aaaahhh, summer vacation. For a moment, I was right back there! Good times.
Until next time,