I'm SO happy that the Dallas Mavericks won! And, even happier that Le Bron and his Greatness---you know the greatness that he took took South Beach that we all heard about over and over and over---well the greatness lost. Nothing against Miami, just sick and tired of all of the hype about "His Greatness".

It's kind of hard to teach kids about team work, and no one likes bullies, and be nice to each other and show sportsmanship and all of that---and oh yeah, make sure you watch professional teams sports--with all of the millionaire brats playing. But oh yeah, don't act like that! I'm sick of it.
WOW, that felt kind of good! I use this blog to update happenings at my shop and shows, maybe once a week, or whenever I feel like it, I'll post a blog with whatever is on my mind. Maybe I'll even give it a name. Like "Why Is It......" and then I'll vent and rant and rave in my usual radical manner. Let off some steam. What do you think?
Had a busy weekend at the shop, changed it around and redid the windows into a "June Bride" theme. Lots of pictures to share, but nothing was going to stop me from watching the NBA game tonight.
I'm proud of you Dallas. And oh yeah, after making fun of Dirk's cold before Game 5???? Well Le Bron and De Wayne...what about it now? How do you like it now?
OK, wow, I do feel better, I can feel more posts like this coming!
Until next time,