No wonder it takes me so long to get my smalls ready for a show. We're getting ready to head back to Nashville this coming week for The Fiddler's Inn Antique Show. I have dozens of big boxes full of small boxes and there are always treasures inside of the little boxes. I have gathered some wonderful advertising tins, spice boxes, and store display pieces. When I ran across this Gelatin Capsule box--probably from the 40's or 50's I liked the green color. It will look good in a spring display. But inside was the treat!

Many years ago, someone decided to store old beads inside of the box. What made these special enough to be stored in a box? Hmmm..... On the top there was a roughly made necklace of small wooden beads. Very colorful and on the biggest, thickest string you can imagine. Maybe a project for a kid?
On the bottom of the box there was this heavy,clunky--chain bracelet with 2
coin holders. Maybe for lunch money!

A string of seeds crudely strung!

And then my favorite. A long strand of bright glass beads. It is
very heavy and could be remade into something wonderful.

A better shot of the wooden beads.

All of this crammed into one little box. Now you see why it takes me so long!
I'd better get back to work! We get the truck Monday morning and as usual,
I'm not ready! Hope you can come to the show---March 12th-14th at the
Fiddler's Inn, 2410 Music Valley Drive in Nashville. We'll be in Room 156.
Until next time,