Well, we have made the rounds! Left home in Illinois, went to Iowa, over to Illinois, back to Iowa, then home to Illinois! With Gary as the driver and Sharon of Sweet Repose the navigator in the back seat--we covered some ground. I have a ton of pictures to share, but I'll break them up. It all started because of candles! I have been carrying the wonderful soap in my shop that Sharon makes, and now I have the candles that her daughter Piper makes! Instead of shipping the big order, I went to pickup! So....., we start at The Candle Shed. It is wonderful. The displays are great. Lots of customers coming and going. I loved it. I have pictures to share and instead of
alot of worthless blather, I will let the pictures tell the story.

insisted on a picture of Piper (left) and Sharon (right). Such talent. Below are pictures of the shop.