American Pickers--you gotta love'em! While in Iowa a couple of weeks ago, Sharon of Sweet Repose asked if we wanted to head to LeClaire Iowa. We had been running all day, but she knew
how much we loved the show. We got there after the shop had closed, but still--we were so excited to see the shop. Gary was like a kid--wanting to knock and ask if Mike and Frank could come out and play!

Gary visited with this nice man about his old car. It was beautifully restored.

Maybe next time we'll get there when the shop is open. We love old signs and bet there are some great ones. All I know is that every time Gary sees a white Sprinter, he almost drives off the road looking to see if "Antique Archeaology" is on the door. He would probably leave me in the car and go with the guys! We love the show. In this business--you meet all kinds of people--with all kinds of stuff--and everyone has their idea of what it is worth. It's real simple, it's worth what someone is willing to pay for it. And if we, as buyers want it bad enough--we pay the price. Isn't this a fun business! Keep on picken guys!
Until next time,
My husband and I love that show too. How fun you got to go by their shop. Tonight we are watching Pickers again because we were gone Monday night and forgot to tape it. We hate to miss an episode. Thanks for sharing your fun. carrell