I love the old Gurley candles! I don't know how many I have had and sold over the years. I remember at home, when the Christmas Carolers appeared on top of the television, the holiday season was here! They looked like the pilgrims in the picture below.

Framed Vintage Postcards. Colorful!
We had a great time at sissy Lori's tonight. Sissy Gay made grilled cheese, Lori made clam chowder and I made this apple stuff that Gary wanted. It is made with raw apples, and a creamy peanut butter mixture that I made with Splenda, then sprinkled with pecans. I wanted a red velvet cake but he reminded me that we didn't need all of that sugar. Next time, it's cake! My sister's are very good cooks, so that made up for me! A simple supper and soooogood!
Better go for now. I'm digging out Christmas stuff and lots of other great stuff to redo my shop so I need an early start in the morning.
Until next time,