If only the decisions we have to make were as simple as the days when you took your bag of jacks and a ball and went to your friends house. Kinda like my sister Lori, when she would take her Barbies, or my brother Jimmy when he took his Hot Wheels. Well, I'm going through my boxes trying to decide what to take where--the shop--Texas---Nashville--who wants what? So I'm going to rely on the words from my buddy David Drummond. who says take "What You Love". Okay, well here we go! All of these pictures are from one--yes ONE--box of stuff I am going through getting ready for upcoming Marburger Farm, and Nashville shows. Multiply that times about 50+ boxes. (that's putting in mildly--that's just the boxes at home) It's kinda time-consuming.

I feel like this cat--all dressed up, with a mohair body, sticking his tongue out! That'll show ya!

As I am sorting through, my mind wonders----How will I display this? You know it has to look great! Alot of it is so small--the little girl in the pink dress is about 1 1/2 inches.

How do I display about a dozen little black babies? They are wonderful, mint condition.

This small gray graniteware bowl has advertising in the middle. Also Mint condition.

Maybe this with white ironstone? or maybe with children's items. I have enough dolls and children's related items for a booth of its own.

A couple of the dozens of dolls I have set aside. Do you like them like I do?

Here we have porcelain pieces. The elephant teapot, sugar and creamer are fab!

And the little deer teapot is unlike any I have seen. Look at the handle! A baby deer!

This sad looking mug is a teddy bear hand puppet. Cuter than it looks. Well loved!

One of the sets of doll china dishes I have. This is an aqua colored lustre set.

As you can see, I have my work cut out for me. This is just a start, so keep watching and if you have any display ideas, please feel free to share.
Better go for now,
Until next time,